Rampur hound is described in 1907 "NEW BOOK OF THE DOG" as
The Rampur hound or greyhound of Northern India: from
Rampur in north-west India comes the hound that bears the name. It is a large greyhound of powerful, coarse build, very fast,
being much valued and principally employed for hunting jackal, and is useful for running down wounded big game it is described
as follows: "the head is long, and flat between the ears, which are filbert shaped and set close to the cheeks. The jaws formidable
nose decidedly roman. The eyes bright and yellow, and expression hard and cruel. The coat is like that of a newly clipped
horse, mouse Grey or black; dogs of the latter color being the rarest and considered the best. The loin is not prominently
arched. The tail is carried horizontally, slightly curled upward and is not fringed or tufted. The legs are straight and long,
with hocks well let down"
The feet stand the hard ground, whereas an English greyhound’s will not. Height 29 inches to 30 inches; weight, average
75lb. The Rampur hound especially the black one are stated to be " queer tempered" biting without barking. But very good,
obedient and faithful with people they know. Dogs of this variety have been brought to England and some time ago typical specimens
are exhibited in Dublin.

Strong Head with Charecterstic Nose